What's Flipflop?
Download Flipflop!

What's Flipflop?

Flipflop is Solitaire built for your phone, not for your table.

From the creator of Sage Solitaire and Really Bad Chess.

A new Solitaire that breaks the rules...

Stack down and up!

But be careful, you only have 5 piles and you can only move suited stacks.

This makes Flipflop more flexible than traditional solitaires without sacrificing any challenge.

Fewer piles creates a better fit for your phone, with big tappable cards!

Is Flipflop easy to learn?

If you've played Spider or Klondike, you already know Flipflop's basics!

And if you haven't, thats fine too! Flipflop will teach you everything you need to know.

Here's a spreadsheet

Why three out of four dentists recommend Flipflop Solitaire...

Flipflop SolitaireKlondike SolitaireSpider Solitaire
Stack cards downYesYesYes
Stack cards upYesNoNo
Flip cards over?YesYesYes
How many suits?1-541-4
Must alternate colors?NoYesNo
Move to empty pile?Any CardKings OnlyAny Card
Date invented?201718th Century20th Century
Named after...Awesome FootwearHistorical EventArachnids
Dentists3 of 4fewerfewer